Service Provision and Commissioning

DSMIG UK & Ireland recognises the importance of appropriate language. Here is why.

A variety of different documents have been produced, by local services and larger organisations describing aspects of health service provision for people with Down syndrome. Whilst DSMIG guidelines have concentrated on describing medical surveillance for specific medical issues that are important in Down syndrome, other guidance that has been developed includes

  • Pathways of care for people with Down syndrome
  • Comprehensives schedules of health checks
  • Guidance on management of aspects of health care in Downs syndrome

We have included here examples of such guidance, which we hope will be useful to organisations wishing to develop their own guidelines.

Nottingham Guidelines For The Medical Care Of Children With Down Syndrome 2022

Leicester Combined Care Pathway

American Academy of Pediatrics Health Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome

RCPCH service specification for children and young people with Down syndrome – draft

Barnet Combined care pathway for children and young people with Down Syndrome

Hull Down’s Syndrome Care Pathway

Hackney MDT pathway



We would like to add to this list. If you are aware of material that may be suitable please contact us.