Membership Registration DSMIG is a network of health professionals whose aim is to help promote equitable provision of medical care for all people with Down syndrome in the UK and Ireland by disseminating a wide range of information about the medical aspects of the syndrome and promoting interest in its specialist management. Membership is open to healthcare professionals who have a specialist interest in the syndrome and are prepared to be proactive within the group. All applications need to be sponsored or approved by a steering group member. If you do not currently have any links with a Steering group member please contact us to discuss your application. Applications are also welcomed from non-healthcare professionals from national groups working with people with Down syndrome, and students or researchers who may join as Associate Members.Name* First Last Professional registration number e.g. GMC/UKCC please specifyProfessional designation*Organisation*Geographical area of work*Work address*Mailing address (if different)TelephoneEmail* Enter Email Confirm Email Note: All routine communication will be done via email.What are your own interests relating to Down Syndrome? Are you involved in a service providing care for people with Down Syndrome?How do you hope to benefit by membership of DSMIG?What would you hope to contribute to DSMIG?Have you any research/audit (planned, in progress, or completed), which you think would interest the group?Do you have a steering group sponsor?* Yes No If "Yes" please give nameIf my application is successful, I consent to my details (Contact details/Special Interests/Clinics/Audit/Research) being included on the Members’ Directory of the DSMIG website* Yes No Payment You do not need to send payment with your application. Once your application is approved we will send you an email explaining the options for payment of your membership fees.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.