
The next DSMIG meeting will be held on Thursday 27th March 2025 as part of the RCPCH Annual Conference which runs from 26th-28th March 2025, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Programme to be confirmed shortly.

Attendees will need to register for the RCPCH Annual Conference. All details can be found on the RCPCH website.

This site provides essential information for healthcare professionals on ‘best practice’ medical care for people with Down syndrome in the UK and Ireland. It has been produced by the UK Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG), a network of doctors whose aim is to ensure equitable provision of medical care for all people with Down syndrome in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

This site has been developed to provide a resource of evidence based information towards this aim and includes

  • DSMIG Information resources- these are resources developed by DSMIG and include Guidelines for basic essential medical surveillance, key points and awareness notes, Personal child health record insert, Growth charts etc.
  • Other Information resources- this is a wider range of resources including articles , other websites that we have found useful
  • Information about DSMIG activities

The website has been developed primarily to equip healthcare professionals with the resources they need to help them provide good, evidence based care for people with Down syndrome.

Although designed for health professionals we hope it will be of interest and use to a wider range of people who are interested in promoting health and well being of those with Down syndrome including parents and carers. We do however wish to stress that it is intended to complement, and never replace, direct medical consultation. For information more specifically designed for parents and carers please see other organisations.

If you have found our website useful please consider supporting the work of DSMIG by


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