- DSMIG can only recommend treatments and therapies for individuals with Down syndrome if they have undergone thorough scientific study
- Suggested interventions may include drugs, cranial osteopathy, plastic surgery, cell therapy and other therapies
- The potential for harm and significant unwanted side-effects is very real
- Positive experiences such as horse riding, swimming, massage or music should be available to individuals with Down syndrome as they would be to anyone else; they do not need to be provided as therapy
Additional Resources
Book Chapter -Intervention and alternative therapies: medicine, myth and magical belief
Richard W. Newton
Down Syndrome – Current Perspectives
Edited by Richard Newton , Shiela Puri and Liz Marder
DSE online has an interesting article on multi-nutrient formulas:
 Multi-nutrient formulas and other substances as therapies for Down syndrome: an overview. Buckley F, Sacks B.,Down Syndrome News and Update. 1998;1(2);70-83
NHS choices information on complementary and alternative therapies
Last reviewed: May 28th 2020 Dr Sarah Morris, Consultant Paediatrician