

People with Down Syndrome differ from the general population in their response to infection, with an increased susceptibility to infections which may also be more severe or prolonged. Children with Down Syndrome should be offered all the routine immunisations suggested by their local schedule, including COVID-19.

Additional doses of some vaccines may be indicated if the individual is felt to be at particular risk, and/or blood tests suggest they have not responded well to the primary course. Additional immunisations may be recommended, e.g., influenza vaccines (from six months), additionalpneumococcal vaccines and RSV prophylaxis.

There are current discussions about introducing chicken pox vaccine to the routine schedule at 12 and 18 months (as recently recommended by the JCVI) and developing an RSV immunisation programme for all infants and older adults.

Updated  March  2024

Dr. Sarah Morris ,Consultant Paediatrician

DSMIG Guidance

Down Syndrome Immunisation Keypoints 2024

Updated March 2024

Immunisation Keypoints: ‘At a glance’ reference sheets on key subject areas. These sheets can be found here.

Presentations at DSMIG Meetings

Materials from meetings are available for members only who need to log in to access them. For details on how to become a member click here.

Additional Resources

Immunisation.Protecting People with Down’s Syndrome Against Infection

Article in DSA Journal 129 Spring/Summer 2014

Immunisation: Protecting People who have Down’s Syndrome Against Infection

DSA Health Series

Dr Liz Marder, Consultant Paediatrician

Immunisation against infectious disease

NHS England/Department of Health Updated 2024